Posted by : Marketing IndiHome Kamis, 11 April 2013

Common foreign exchange comes from ...a. foreign exchange provided by the government to cooperativesb. in credit-kan-B.E.c. overpriced. export proceeds of goods, sales of services and transferse. imported goods.
Balance the state budget balanced budget or means ...a. spending on imports with export revenues derived fromb. domestic revenue with current expenditurec. income earned by the expenditures spentd. domestic revenues with foreign credite. Routine expenditures with expenditures for construction costs.
Budget used by the government to ...a. guidelines state revenues and expenditures to carry out the goals to be achieved by the governmentb. guidelines for the implementation of state spendingc. know the exact amount of state revenued. determine the number of taxpayers in Indonesiae. guidelines for central government oversight of local governments.
Factors that affect components of national income is ...a. consumption, income, and expensesb. investment, production, and profitc. consumption, savings, and investmentsd. savings, income, and expensese. consumption, production, and profit.
Method of calculating national income by adding the production of goods and services during the year is called ...a. expenditure methodb. method value-addedc. production methodsd. method of revenuee. methods of goods and services.
Budget balanced policy aimed at ...a. reduce the volume of money in circulationb. provide basic life of the people in sufficient numbersc. to curb inflationd. increase government savingse. do not rely on foreign loans to finance the construction.
Budget policy (fiscal policy)Outline fiscal policy has two aspects as follows:a. Quantitative aspects, the problems associated with the amount of money that must be withdrawn and spent.b. Qualitative aspects, ie the types of taxes and subsidy payments.
In the preparation of the State Budget (Budget), the principle commonly used are as follows:a. The principle of balance. The principle is the principle of the preparation of the state budget balanced the amount of income equal to the amount of spending. Therefore, there is no budget surplus or a budget shortfall.b. Principle surplus. The principle is the principle of the preparation of the state budget surplus when the amount of revenue (receipts) is greater than the sum of expenditures, so there is the rest of the development budget. The existence of the rest of the budget is an indication that there are activities that can not be implemented.c. Principles deficit. The principle is the principle of the preparation of the state budget deficit is the amount of expenditure is greater than income, so there is a budget shortfall.

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