Posted by : Marketing IndiHome Kamis, 11 April 2013

Size baseball field:
Length of 45 feet to 60 feet (5 meters plus free space)
Width of 30 meters
Spectators should 5-10 yards out of bounds.

Tools necessary to play baseball, among others:
a. wooden bat
- Length 50-60 cm
- Cross section 5 cm in diameter.
b. ball
- Made of rubber, weighing 70 grams - 30 grams
- Diameter of approximately 20 cm.
c. perch pole consists of 3 pieces, namely:
- A single pole and two pole pieces help free
- 150 cm tall pole.
d. chest number.

Baseball game played by two teams
Each team totaled 12 people
Guard squads called party field
Teams that play called party hit.

Older games 2 x 30 minutes, rest 10 minutes.

a. a good beater shot, then ran into a pole and then go back freely to the free space, the punch itself, worth the two and called the run
b. if it happens after the other friend hit, he gets the value of the
c. Parta field gets the value one, if it can catch the opponent before touching the ball hit the ground.

dead ball
The ball is considered dead, if:
a. after blow right
b. after the blow did not hit the field and play a football party.

Substitution does not occur free, if:
a. a runner hit the throw
b. party time field that is outside the boundary line must immediately enter the field, then seek refuge.

Free Substitution occurs, if:
a. 've caught the ball three times
b. Liberator has been hit three times in one or not taxable
c. free space burned
d. a runner out of the field
e. a player bats out of the party not to hit the free space
f. sticks, regardless
g. adverse party opponent batsman by:
- Deliberately kicked the ball
- Urging players pitch party
- Holding the ball anywhere
- Highlight head towards the thrower.

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