Posted by : Marketing IndiHome Minggu, 03 Maret 2013

The main characteristic of invertebrate animals is not having a backbone. Divided into several groups, namely:a. ProtozoaCharacteristics:- Body consists of only one cell- Lives in the water, land or in the body of another living thing- Reproduce by splitting themselves, and conjugation.
Grouping the protozoa based on locomotor possesses, namely:1. rhizopoda, motion devices such as artificial legs. Example: amoeba proteus.2. flagellata, tool motion in the form of feathers whip (flagellum). Example: Euglena.3. cilliata, motion devices such as vibrating hair (cilia). Example: Paramaecium caudatum.4. Sporozoa, have no means of movement, all acting as parasites. Example: plasmodium, causes malaria.
b. Porifera (animals porous)Characteristics:- Himself a lot of holes (pores) which is a smooth entry of water- Body made up of many cells- Reproduce by forming buds and mating.Porifera is divided into three classes, namely:1. calcarea, for example clatthrina2. hexactinellida, for example euplectella3. demospongiae, for example Spongilla.
c. CoelenterataCharacteristics:- Hollow body, serves as the digestion of food, multicellular- Reproduce by mating, forming buds- Had a stinger to paralyze prey called nematokist- Can shape polyps (live attached), and may medusa (free swim).
Coelenterata is divided into three classes, namely:1. Hydrozoa, such as hydra and obelia2. Scyphozoa, for example aurelia3. Anthozoa, for example urticina.
This group of animals forming beautiful marine park.
d. Vermes (worms)1. Platyhelminthes (flatworms)characteristics:- Flat body, no body cavity, hermafrodit- Have a rudimentary digestive tract- Can live in water, damp soil or living in other living things.
Divided into three classes, namely:1) turbelaria, for example planaria2) Cestoda, eg tapeworm (Taenia saginata and Taenia solium)3) trematodes, eg liver fluke (Fasciola hepatica).
2. Nemathelminthes (worms gilig)Characteristics:- Body gilig (elliptical) with pointed tip- Complete digestive tract- Is able to differentiate between males and females which- Live in water, soil or even live on other living creatures.
3. Annelida (roundworms)Characteristics:- Her body looked composed of interconnected bracelet- Have a body cavity- Complete digestive tract- Live in water, soil and some live as parasites- Mating multiply.Example: Vermi terestis (earthworms), Hirudo medicinalis (leech).
e. Arthropods (jointed animal-books)characteristics:- Her jointed-books, has outer frame- Breathe by trachea, gills or lungs books- Be able to distinguish male and female- Live in the sea, lakes, rivers or inland- Already have the nervous and circulatory systems.
f. Molluscs (soft-bodied)Characteristics:- Soft bodied, generally have a graft from the lime, but there is that does not have- Already have a digestive system, circulatory, nervous and reproductive- Live in the sea, fresh water and on land.
g. Echinodermata (skinned animal spines)Characteristics:- Body is covered by thorns- Tools in the form of foot motion ambulakral- Lives in the sea.

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